We would like to receive original, sensitive poetry and prose on love, friendship, family, philosophies, and any other topic that one person might want to communicate or share with another person. Writings about special occasions (birthday, anniversary, graduation, etc.) as well as the challenges, difficulties, and aspirations of life are also considered.
Poetry should be about real emotions and feelings written from your personal experience. We suggest that you have someone in mind (a friend, relative, etc.) as you write. The majority of the poetry we publish DOES NOT RHYME.
****Important note: Because of the large volume of poetry we receive written to mothers, sons, and daughters, we are accepting only highly original and creative poetry that expresses new thoughts and sentiments on these themes. Submissions from outside the United States are accepted, but only English-language poems will be considered.****
E-mail submissions are welcome. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ATTACHMENTS. Type or paste the text of your work into the body of the e-mail. If you are submitting more than one poem at a time, please include all of them in one e-mail message. Be sure to include your name, address, and telephone number.
E-mail submissions will receive a reply only if the work is selected for further review for possible publication. Selected submissions will receive a response by email within 2 to 3 months. We are unable to respond to e-mail submissions that are not selected for further review.